
January FE | NOM: Tara Pizer of 8 Count Dance Studio

Age: 25
Occupation: Owner and Director: 8 Count Dance Studio- Green, OH
Sign: Aquarius

Why She's January's FE | NOM
Tara is fearless; she quit her day job as a high school teacher to focus solely on the dance studio she owns. With so many negative role models for tweens in television and within the dance world, Tara is a guiding light for her dancers. She's a savvy, stylish and beautiful woman, who proves you really can have it all!
Pictured with Husband, Codi: "We believe that we only get
to be young once, and we are going to
take full advantage of it as a couple."

About Tara
I've been involved in dance and gymnastics since I was a young child. At the age of 15 I had the opportunity to start teaching my own dance classes and that really inspired my love for teaching the art of dance. While in college at The University of Akron, I was also a member of the dance team, Alpha Delta Pi, and other student organizations, but continued to teach dance. I began 8 Count in 2007 and while teaching high school english for 3 years until last year when I transitioned into just running the studio full time. It was the best decision I have ever made. At this time, I run a full studio with over 50 classes a week, employee 8 teachers, and also run a competition program of over 40 dancers. 

A Few of Her Favorite Things...
TRAVELING, Pinterest, Anything "Mad Men" Related, Sock Buns, Pearls, Bows, and the color black.

What makes you unique?

Signature Scent: Burberry Brit
I believe I'm unique because being so young, I've managed to achieve many goals through the growth of my business. I am also unique because my business is different from other dance studios in the fact that we teach our kids LIFE SKILLS in addition to dance skills. So much of what I learned from teaching academics transfers into the dancing classroom and makes our studio so wonderful, positive, and a great learning environment for kids. I live for my dancers- 100% of the time.
What do you always have in your purse?
I am my mother's daughter. . . lipstick. I am putting lipstick on ALL THE TIME, which is funny because when I was a teenager my mom always told me that a little lipstick can do wonders and I always rolled my eyes at her (sorry, mom! love you!) but as it always turns out -- she was right! I have a million tubes of lipstick and I re-apply it ALL THE TIME! :)

Tara with some of her dancers

What is a goal you recently achieved?
Personal: I had a goal to travel to Miami and really see the culture and experience the energy before I have kids. We traveled there last April and intend to return again this Spring- I'm hooked!
Career: Most recently, I found out that I was chosen as the 2013 Outstanding Alumni by the Green Schools Foundation for my work inspiring young kids and with my studio. I'm humbled and so excited to be one of the first young alumni to be recognized. 

What's one thing you hope your dancers learn from you?
EARN EVERYTHING, because you are entitled to NOTHING. Work Hard. . . Be Humble. . . Work Harder. . .

How do you choreograph your dances?
This really depends. I am inspired by so many different things. This year my husband actually found this great song called "Sail" and once I listened to it I knew I had to use it for my older group of senior dancers. It ended up developing into this amazing story about angels falling from grace and being on the boat towards the underworld. We even have a really cool boat prop with a surprise trampoline inside of it so the dancers jump in and out of the boat. It took on life of it's own. Some dances come easily and others take a bit more time, but they all have a purpose and a story- otherwise it's not dancing, it's just movements.

Thoughts on Abby Lee Miller (Dance Moms/Abby Lee Dance Company)?
I think she portrays our art form and our profession in a very bad light. I do not support that show and neither does my studio. We actually pulled out of a competition last year because we found out there would be taping for the show there. She is not a good example of what the dance world and the competition world is really like and I think that the show should be taken off of TV- It's unprofessional and makes me very angry.

Favorite Cocktail Recipe?
It's called Peggy's Punch from the "Dream" hotel High Bar in South Beach- if you can get them to tell you the recipe. . . I will be forever grateful. I've tried to re-create it a thousand times.

What do you want to be when you grow up? 

Tara's student performs at a National Dance Convention
haha. . . this is funny because somedays I say, "When I grow up I want to be Betty Draper- the perfect 1950's housewife who entertains and takes care of the home while sporting perfect hair and a glamourous frock".. . . other days I say "When I grow up I want to be a big business power player who jet sets everywhere and has some killer heels and a well tailored suit." But most days- I'm just me. . . a little of both :) and I'm just fine with that.

If you could Freaky Friday with one person for a day, who would it be and why?
Anne Boleyn (preferably before she was beheaded. . . )
I think she was just so engaging, educated and an all around interesting person. I LOVE that period of time and would definately go back there, for just a day- I mean, who wouldn't want to be Queen for a day? Plus, I'm pretty sure she was married to Henry the 8th when he was totally hot and not a fat ogre, so I'd def be ok with that ;)

Check out Tara's Dance Studio online or like them on facebook!



  1. Love it! Great interview! I totally agree with her too about lipstick and Abby Lee! :)

  2. I'm proud to send my 4 y.o. daughter to her studio! She loves it and it shows! Thank you for inspiring my daughter.


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