
Old Hollywood Make-up & Hair Tutorial

I love the romance and femininity of the Old Hollywood era -- sassy Rosalind Russell strutting around in ankle trousers and giving orders to Cary Grant -- Yes, please! In addition to the strong, beautiful, feminine leads, I love the hair, make-up and fashion, and I made it my goal to replicate that style with a modern twist. Nostalgia doesn't need to be completely gimmicky! Don't even question for a minute if you can rock this look... you can. This look is yours! To help ease into it, try the hair with natural make-up or a smokey eye, then give the make-up a shot with a sock bun or high ponytail; in addition, Clinique suggests easing into a red lip by first trying a lipgloss or a bright pink color.  Now make yourself a gimlet, light a cigarette and heat up your Chi because I have the hair and make-up tutorial below... 


1. Start with a normal base and H&C. Also, don't forget to use primer on your eyes, lips and face! Also, apply your blush and bronzer as usual. 
Left eye has the eye make-up
2. Eyeshadow. You will still use three colors, this is often overlooked because the liquid eyeliner look appears to be on a natural eye. Tricks! Sweep the lightest color over the entire eye from lash to brow, then the middle color over the lid and finish with the darkest color in the crease, but do not sweep around to bottom lashline. 

Left eye has the make-up

3. Eyeliner. Take a liquid eyeliner, or eyeliner pen (I prefer Eyeko Skinny Liquid Eyeliner Sephora - $15). I do not line from my inner eye, but you may want to, it depends on your eye-shape. Instead, I begin around where my iris begins and I extend it past my lashline. 

4. Mascara. I like to use the mascara only on the outer lashes, pulling to the side. For an evening out, I will also use corner faux lashes or apply individual lashes to my outer corners for a more flirty look. 

5. Lips. Begin with a lipliner, I have no idea why. I'm sure someone can tell you why, I can't but I've been told that you should always wear lipliner when doing a red lip. I don't question it because it seems to work. Then fill in with a red lipstick. I am wearing Clinique in Red Hot with Victoria's Secret Liner in Classic Red. However, my blonde bombshell beauty, Charlie, just informed me of a new killer red lipstick -- NARS, Fire Down Below -- which is said to be a match for all skin types! 

5. Finishing Touch. Take a white eyeliner pencil and line the inside of your eyelid, inner corners and along the bottom lash line. Add some volume to your lips by lining (and smudging) the area below your angels kiss. 

Next, take a break between make-up and hair to do a couple pin-up faces!


1. Part your hair to one side. I like to use a deep part for this. 

2. Use your straightener to curl. First divide your hair into three sections, (1) Behind your ears and crown, (2) Right side in front of ears and (3) Left side in front of ears. Under curl section (1). On the section (1) or (2) which has the most hair from the part, begin using your straightener at your roots and curl all the way down.  
3. Twist back. On the final section, twist the extra hair and tuck underneath the back of your hair in Section (1). Secure with a hairpin. 


The Mugshot of Mistress Mugsy Malone the Maddest Moll in Macon

I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way.


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