
Setting the Scene for XMas Cards

We decided to take some photos in the likeness of our engagement photos since we were using some of those for our XMas cards. We ordered our cards through Hallmark, which is currently (and ALWAYS) running a 40% Off special. You can get 50 cards mailed for you, no fuss, including stamps for $35-$50. Totally worth it.

I first set up our fireplace in a very 60's style using golds and reds (not pictured) but it looked thrown together and downright drab.

So we switched to our blue & silver theme...which ended up even more bland... 

Then I let Rusty have a shot at decorating...

And since I didn't want our photo background to look like a flea market, I cut down on some of his decor...
Which was still boring and didn't fit our theme at all. I thought WWBDD? (What would Betty Draper Do)...she'd light a cigarette and mix a martini. So, I rolled in our little roller bar, placed some mixers and shakers on the mantel and tada...we have some photos!
Backless shirt, from Mana Culture

Rusty thought it would be funny to pull out a Zeppelin or T.Rex record in our seemingly wholesome photos

Since our fireplace was already lit, we made s'mores...duh.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome photos and a beautiful card! You have a really great sense of style and design.


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